GREAT alcohol/addiction related movies!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 3

I'm going to a family reunion today and I would say that at least 75% of my relatives could be poster children for AA.  Glassy eyes, red/purplish skin and a drink in hand the entire day.  Needless to say, not my kind of crowd anymore.  This should be interesting.

I don't crave a drink today but sometimes it pisses me off to watch others "let loose" and have fun with alcohol when I can't.  Then that stupid little thought comes into my head..."maybe I could handle a few."  Right after that thought comes into my head, I keep playing the tape and remember all the times passed out on the couch the next day after a night of drinking where I was just going to have a few.  Or the 75 stitches I had to get the night before because I slashed my leg open AGAIN with a steak knife because I was filled with so much guilt and shame that I had to punish myself for getting drunk AGAIN! 

These thoughts, by the Grace of God, most always make me want to smash every alcohol bottle I see because it discusts me to think of putting that poison in my body.  And that's exactly what alcohol is to me....POISON!  I am allergic to alcohol just as bad as someone with a peanut allergy is allergic to peanut butter and people with peanut allergies don't go anywhere near peanut butter.  Why am I going to this reunion today?  Sometime I think I have no business being around it.

So, I will talk to God today and ask him to make me content with how my life is today.  I will ask him to remove the obsession to drink again today and I will ask him to let me enjoy myself at this party and appreciate the fact that I get to see my loved ones and to let me have fun today without the thought of what alcohol USED to do for me at parties like this.

I really hope you find me soon.  I love knowing that little old me might be able to help someone out there today. 

All my love!

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